About the Exhibition
The Exhibition takes place in the Gallery section of the North Sea Observatory, Chapel Point, Chapel St. Leonards PE24 5XA, from the 15th - 20th of June the gallery is open 10.00 am - 4.00pm, there is a Pay and Display car park immediately behind the venue with ramp access and a lift to the upper level for wheel chair users.
This is my first solo exhibition after a long period of ill health and it is comprised of work created from 2006 to the present day, it serves numerous purposes, to promote my work and practice, engage with other practitioners in the arts, engage with the public and my local community. It also has one more aim and that is to raise funds for the Royal Papworth Hospital Charity. The hospital, nurses, consultants, porters, catering staff everyone associated with the hospital that provides world leading, ground breaking treatments and research to benefit us all served me so well during my recent bout of ill health and continue to monitor me on a regular basis to maintain the good health I now enjoy.
There are three strands to this fundraising,
you can take part or donate at Malcolm Tait is fundraising for Royal Papworth Hospital Charity (justgiving.com)
Firstly: I have produced a souvenir catalogue to accompany the exhibition, all the pages of the catalogue can be seen below, it will be on sale for £5.00 at the exhibition, (or for a £6.00 donation on my just giving page, £1.00 for P&P). All the proceeds from the sale of the catalogue go the the hospital charity.
Secondly: I will be raffling one painting value £620.00 (See the second last page in the catalogue below), each £1.00 donated to my just giving page will gain one virtual ticket entry to the draw. If you donate £5.00 five virtual tickets to the draw etc. your ticket numbers will be determined by the amount on the just giving page when you donate, e.g. if you donate £10.00 when the total is £326.00 your ticket numbers will be 327 - 337. You will need to leave contact details in the message box and wee will confirm your numbers by email to avoid any confusion.
Thirdly: 10% of any sales will go to the charity.
N.B. Donating Clarity through the Just Giving page:
Option 1. if you want to be entered in the raffle type "raffle only" in the message box, (We will email you back to confirm your numbers).
Option 2. if you would like a souvenir catalogue you need to donate £6.00 (this includes£1.00 for P&P) Simple type "Catalogue" in the message box. It is important you also enter your postal address.
Option 3. If you donate £20.00 you can enter in the message box "Catalogue" and "Raffle" and you will receive a souvenir catalogue and gain 14 entry numbers for the raffle. Again it is important to add your postal address if using this option.
Option 4. Raffle are not everyone's cup of tea and if you would simply like to donate, and receive neither the catalogue nor entry to the draw simply enter "Neither" in the message box.
Option 5: You may wish to donate anonymously, if you do so could I extend a heartfelt thankyou for your support. THANKYOU.
If you would like further information about the exhibition please use the contact page and I will get back to you.